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Waterside Network Group

Waterside Network Group

Most small business owners will tell you that the best means of advertising is word of mouth. This is why some of us are able to continue to grow our businesses, irrespective of the financial climate. People buy from people who they know, like and trust. At the Waterside Network Group we learn about one another’s businesses and get to know each other as individuals, so putting us in the position to confidently recommend one another, make referrals, and generate warm leads. The benefit of a warm lead is that you already know the potential customer has a need for your business, or even better, is expecting you to call. All leads are recorded at the meetings so we can track the effectiveness of the group. It’s quick and easy to do and the resulting benefits are well worth the effort. Once you’ve attended a sample session we’ll ask you if you would like to commit for the coming year. You’ll be asked for a small fee to aid the running of the group. We are a “not for profit” group

Areas Covered: New Forest


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